Latest female pattern hair loss treatment in Pakistan is available at our clinic. It is a condition that affects many women. It is characterized by a gradual thinning, which may or may not be accompanied by patches of scalp baldness. This condition can occur on any part of the head, but it most often occurs on the top of the head (temples and crowns). It is a common issue for women. It is caused by an imbalance in hormones and hair growth cycles. Some people have trouble with their hormones at a young age, while others have trouble later on in life. It’s not uncommon for women to lose hair in patches around their temples, forehead, or crown after menopause. There are several treatments available for female pattern hair loss that can help restore your baldness and prevent further damage.

Female pattern hair loss treatment Pakistan

Causes & female pattern hair loss treatment in Pakistan

Many factors cause female pattern hair loss. Some of these factors are

  • Hairstyle causes baldness in females when you make ponytails, braids, and tight ponies it tightens hairs and as result, they break which in result causes baldness.
  • Vitamin deficiency is another cause of baldness in women.
  • Genes cause thinning in family females.
  • Aging is another factor that causes balding.
  • Menopause is also the cause of baldness when estrogen levels decrease in women it causes alopecia Female pattern alopecia is caused by a hormone imbalance.
  • Irregular periods are also a factor that leads to female pattern hair loss.

Common types of baldness in women

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is a skin disease that causes patches of baldness on the head. Moreover, it also affects other body parts. It’s for a short period or temporary.

Telogen Effluvium

Telogen effluvium is a type of alopecia in which an increased number of follicles reach the telogen phase and as a result, causes hair fall out. Baldness occurs in the telogen phase that’s why it’s called telogen effluvium.

Anagen Effluvium

It is usually caused by medication like chemotherapy, and radiation therapy and is found mostly in cancer patients. Anagen effluvium poisons the follicle.

Androgenetic Alopecia or FPHL

This type of alopecia is most common among females. In Androgenetic alopecia hair thins over the top and sides of the head. FPHL is mainly caused due to genes, aging, and menopause.

Can Female Pattern Baldness Be Treated?

Female pattern hair loss latest treatment has many methods to recover your alopecia and some of these are given below


A hair transplant is a treatment in which a small part of the scalp with follicles is cut and placed in the area of baldness.

Protein-Rich Plasma

Protein-rich plasma is another treatment to encourage growth. In this technique, platelets are removed from a sample of the patient after concentrated injection back into the patient. PRP treatment needs 3 to 5 sessions at monthly interval.


Micro-needling of the scalp with the help of Minoxidil and sometimes without bits of help of Minoxidil.


Spironolactone is a diuretic that removes excess fluid from the body. It blocks androgen production and helps to regrow hair. But it also has several side effects; including fatigue, tender breasts, and irregular menstruation.


Apply Minoxidil to the scalp it grows your hair back but it won’t restore your lost hair to full. But the amount of re-growing is small and gives you a thick appearance. You need to apply Minoxidil for 6 to 12 months continuously otherwise it will stop working and your scalp growth will return to the back.

Prevention for Baldness

Have you ever heard of female pattern hair loss latest treatment in Lahore Pakistan? It’s a condition that affects women more than men, and it can make women feel insecure about their appearance.

The good news is that there are a few things you can do to fight back against this problem

  1. Shampooing regularly will help & keep it healthy and strong. Avoid harsh shampoos. These shampoos damage and weaken them.
  2. Use dry shampoo in between washes. This will help remove excess oil from your scalp and make sure your hair is ready for washing when you’re ready for it.
  3. Try using a moisturizing product after shampooing with an anti-frizz serum. This will help keep your strands from getting brittle or frizzy, which makes them look healthier than they would otherwise be.
  4. Avoid stress.
  5. Do not smoke.
  6. Get enough sleep.
  7. Eat a healthy diet.
  8. Exercise regularly.

Female pattern hair loss can be distressing, whether it’s due to genetics, aging, or even stress. You should be aware that there are various therapies you can attempt and that skilled dermatologists are there to assist you. It’s possible that your alopecia can be reversed. As soon as you sense something is wrong, contact your healthcare practitioner since the sooner you begin treatment, the better.

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