Hybrid hair transplant


Hybrid Hair transplant technique is the transplant you’re looking for if you’re perturbed about the excess amount of hair loss or baldness. Nobody would want unhealthy hair or a bald revealing scalp. There are several techniques available to treat these hair issues. However the best technique amongst them is the ‘Hybrid Hair Transplant Technique’.  This method is considered safe and will provide beneficial results when done by experts or else it may lead to serious side effects and undesirable results.

 The Hybrid Hair Transplant Technique consists of both the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) procedures. Let us get into the depths of these procedures. The FUT procedure is when a surgeon cuts a strip of skin from some part of your head and then extracts hair follicles from the strip cut out. However in the FUE procedure, there isn’t a need to cut off anything, the graft is directly extracted or plucked out from the scalp. The following methods can be performed during the same sessions. This is the best technique to opt for if one does not want a distinguishing hairline. The technique will provide results that’ll make the scalp look as natural as possible. It will allow a person to obtain more than 6000 grafts a day provided you one has enough donor area density. Now the question is what does grafting mean? Grafting is moving a section of skin or tissue from one part of the body to another without bringing its own blood supply. Once the tissue is attached, a new blood supply grows from it. So this procedure has nothing to do with the use of anything outside or foreign to the body.

The Hybrid Hair Transplant Technique begins with the FUT technique in which follicles will be plucked out and attached to the area that is bald or hairless. These follicles will be the ones that’ll last long and will be taken off the body itself. This will be followed by the FUE procedure. The hair inserted will be put in such a way so as to match the natural pattern of the hair growth to provide results that blend with the natural hairline. The time this procedure will take depend upon the size of the affected area on the patient and also on the way the practitioner is operating. If there is a need for extra grafts, chest and beard hair can be performed on the same day as well, thus providing the advantage of obtaining more than 6000 grafts in a day?

Hybrid Hair Transplant technique has multiple benefits like less recovery time, minimal scarring and a very natural look. The best candidates for this treatment are the ones who have a balding hairline or a hairline that is moving backwards from the forehead, people who need to perform more than 6000 grafts per day and models working or relating to the fashion industry. Once the treatment is done the patient is left with thick voluminous hair within a few days only. One of the disadvantages of this treatment is the cost. The cost will vary from person to person depending on how much of their scalp is exposed or needs the treatment. Because this treatment is time consuming, it’s comparatively expensive than FUE and FUT treatment. Last but not the least once the treatment is over one must take some precautions such as avoiding sun exposure to the affected area, no scratching, avoiding the use of alcohol and avoiding the use of blood thinners as this may affect or slow the procedure down. To sum it up, if someone is looking for a treatment that is time-intensive and result promising, they should opt for this technique.

Which technique is the best FUE or Hybrid (FUT +FUE) hair transplant?

If you will find some expert and skilled surgeon then he will never offer you Hybrid as follicular unit extraction technique can give you the same number of grafts or area coverage.

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