Hair fall is a normal phenomenon whether the hairs are normal/non-transplanted or transplanted. It’s normal to shed 50 to 100 hairs per day. In normal hair, three cycles carry out the whole process of hair growth and hair fall. In humans the three cycles are completely random and are called anagen, catagen and telogen phases.

Most of the hair fall takes place in the last mentioned phase called telogen. This phase is also called the resting phase. At any given time about 6 to 8% hair can be in this phase.

Hair fall after the Transplantation Surgery:

Transplanted hair falls out too. In fact it’s pretty normal for transplanted hair to fall out. Patients often complain about  falling of their new hair but that is just a phase, a mechanism followed by the body to act against the trauma it faced, in the form of transplantation surgery.

When the transplanted hair falls, they fall off from the shaft only and the dermal papilla is not affected. This gives rise to new hair growth. Hair transplantation is a minor traumatic surgery process for the squares and the square deals with the trauma by shedding its native hair. But certain factors increase the fall after transplantation. Such factors can include certain wrong steps taken after the hair restoration surgery or the wrong timing taken for the surgery.

Ways to minimize the loss of native hair after hair transplant:

One can minimize the hair loss after hair transplant by using certain medications suggested by the surgeon or physician, watching the timing of getting the hair transplant i.e. transplant at a time of severe hair loss is more likely to be followed by heavier shock loss, and by using camouflage products which can thicken the hair and prevent their loss.

Here are some generally asked questions about hair transplant.

·                     Does DHT affect transplanted hair?

DHT stands for dihydrotestosterone. It is an androgen. It is a male sex hormone but it is present in males and females both. If secreted in higher amounts this hormone can cause the hair follicles to shrink, ultimately causing the growth of thinner hair which looks brittle and is weaker. DHT stands for a male pattern of baldness. This androgen can be  kept in normal amounts in the body by using certain food items like green tea and coconut oil .

Transplanted hairs are immune to DHT and are less likely to be affected by it. Although the native here can still be affected by this androgen.

·                     Why does hair shed after transplant?

 Hair transplantation is a process in which the hair from a donor area is shifted to the areas with lesser hair after making small openings called “stab incisions”. The process is so traumatic for the scalp that it causes the native hair to fall. This process can also be referred to as “shock loss”. Shock loss is completely normal and it is just one of the steps included in the restoration process of hair.

·                     How long does the shock loss last after the surgery?

This loss of native hair lasts for about one to five weeks. After that the lost hair starts to regrow and this is not to be concerned about as it is a completely normal process. This kind of loss rarely exceeds 5 weeks.

And the loss is usually restored to an average in some weeks.

·                     Can you go bald again after a hair transplant?

Transplanted hairs are usually immune to the previous causes of hair loss such as DHT. So you do not lose transplanted hair easily. Transplanted hairs are secure for long-term. But the native here are still vulnerable to the previous dangers. So if you do not use some prevention medicines for the loss of native hair you may only be left with the transplanted hair over the course of months or years. This is not to scare you but to inform you that you should start using prevention against the hair loss as soon as possible.

·                     When can I touch transplanted hair?

Hair Restoration surgeries are critical and they demand for or many precautions afterwards. You can touch your hair 2-3 days after the surgery gently with the fingertips but you should avoid grasping them with your fingernails. Hair grafts are usually secure after 14 days of the surgery. But before them they are still sensitive and they need to be dealt with very carefully. There are a few other things that you need to follow after you get a hair transplant. These include;

o        Avoiding to sleep flat on the hair

o        Avoiding excessive touching them and scrubbing them at all

o        Avoiding the direct contact of ice with the scalp

o        Drinking a lot of water

o        Taking the medications suggested by the physician properly and timely

o        Avoiding the direct exposure of scalp to the sun

o        Preventing excessive sweat and hard exercises instantly after the surgery

o        Avoiding dying or using strong chemical containing products on them

You can go back to sleep and touch your hair normally after the hair transplant once the grafts are fixed and incisions have healed.

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